
Yingkou Yongde Heavy Industry Co., Ltd.

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Classification of pressure vessels

Classification of pressure vessels

Date of issue:2015-12-02 00:00 Source: Click:

There are many classification methods of pressure vessels, from the perspective of use, manufacture and supervision, including the following. Pressure vessels (1) are divided into low pressure vessels, medium pressure vessels, high pressure vessels and ultra-high pressure vessels according to the pressure level.

Pressure vessel

(2) According to the medium: non flammable, non-toxic; Flammable or toxic; Highly toxic.

(3) According to the different functions in the process, it can be divided into three parts

① Reaction vessel: it is used to complete the physical and chemical reaction of medium.

② Heat exchanger: a container used to complete the heat exchange of medium.

③ Separation container: it is used to complete the mass exchange of medium, gas purification, solid, liquid and gas separation.

④ Storage and transportation container: it is used to hold liquid or gas materials, storage and transportation medium or to balance and buffer pressure.

Related labels:压力容器

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Technical support: Yingkou Zhongchuang Network Technology Co., Ltd.



Address: No. 26, Yuanjiao 3rd Street, Xishi District, Yingkou City, Liaoning Province (near Liaohe Bridge)



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