
Yingkou Yongde Heavy Industry Co., Ltd.

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Introduction to Medium Bulk Containers

Introduction to Medium Bulk Containers

Date of issue:2015-12-02 00:00 Source: Click:

The English name of intermediate bulk containers (IBC). In the 1990s, with the development of international liquid chemical import and export trade, a new type of liquid product packaging form-Intermediate Bulk Containers (IBC) began to enter The sight of the Chinese. In more than ten years, people have gradually developed from being unfamiliar to understanding and using this new type of packaging. At present, Intermediate Bulk Containers (IBC) have been widely recognized and used in the chemical, pharmaceutical, food, brewing, coating and other industries in my country. Medium-sized bulk containers are also called ton barrels or ton-filled square barrels. They are called ton barrels because when water is used as the medium, each 1000-liter medium-sized bulk container can be filled with a ton of weight.

Medium bulk container

Related labels:中型散装容器

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Technical support: Yingkou Zhongchuang Network Technology Co., Ltd.



Address: No. 26, Yuanjiao 3rd Street, Xishi District, Yingkou City, Liaoning Province (near Liaohe Bridge)



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